When you think about an influential person, someone God really uses to uplift and encourage others, you may think of a pastor or evangelist, a teacher, a close friend or mentor you have had. Most wouldn’t consider a child or even more so, someone with a handicap into their train of thought. God does.
A very special friend of mine has been used by God as one of my greatest encouragements over the last 3 months. His name is Nathan, a fun-loving guy with Down syndrome. Nathan and his wonderful family faithfully attend our home church back in Ohio. Nathan sits on the front row and swiftly takes notes as the message is being preached. Nathan has faithfully texted me every day, literally every day, with words of thoughtfulness, encouragement, and often times his witty sense of humor and a song…or two…or three. Words like “I praying for you Stepy. How is Aron and the girls. Tell them I miss them.”
In times when I felt so lonely, so out of touch, not sure what situation or residence we were driving into next, Nathan’s faithfulness as a friend brought such a great amount of comfort. God used Nathan in a very special way and I will always be thankful to my precious friend back home, who encouraged and faithfully checked on this struggling missionary and her family! We love you, Nathan!