We can not believe that it is already December! This year flew by! We finished up our 11 weeks of traveling for pre-field and will have December off! Steph took the month of December off of photography, which was a MUCH needed break! We were so blessed by some wonderful churches that were both encouraging to us and excited about the ministry that God is allowing us to do in Kenya. Each church was a new opportunity to share how BIG our God is and how exciting it is to be part of His plan for missions. Although our hearts are in Kenya, it is a blessing to be able to minister to churches here in the states. We are looking at these couple of years in pre-field ministry as way to get people in the states excited about what God is doing in Kenya through our church in Mason and what He can do through their own church!
God is really teaching Aaron and I reliance on Him through these times! We are quickly learning that it is not about us or our human abilities...but ALL about what God is doing through us. We are completely inadequate to do anything of eternal value apart from Him. This ministry is not a partnership with God, but a radical reliance on Him and on what ONLY HE can do! We find great comfort in this!! "Self-sufficiency is life's greatest barricade to intimacy with God." Joseph M. Stowel

Our family is so blessed to be having another girl! We are so happy for our new addition and can't wait to see her! Kennedy and Claire are so thrilled to be having a sister! They are constantly asking about her and wanting to know if she can hear them. They enjoyed the traveling this fall, but are very happy to have a break from driving and hotels for a while. They were both so good while on the road and enjoyed their job of setting up our missions table at the churches we visited. Kennedy took this job very seriously and enjoyed greeting people at the table. Claire is pretty shy and stayed by our side (or hiding behind our back) most of the time.