The month of July has been filled with a lot of traveling! We were in Pennsylvania for 4 days at ABWE, then one week later Shantelle and I flew to Florence, SC to visit our friend, Ashlyn. Kennedy and Claire have enjoyed several trips to Kentucky to visit g-ma and g-pa. We have also been to Indiana twice to visit Aaron's family.
The girls have been enjoying the summer by spending a lot of time at Kings Island water park and the Kuenkel's pool. Kennedy is continuing to shock us by how stinking smart she is. The other day I was talking to her and I could tell that she was getting bored with the conversation, so she notified me that her "phone" was ringing and she had to go answer it. She loves to color and to help me bake. Claire just got her ears pierced! She looks so cute, but older, which is sad! She is finally potty trained and is very proud of herself. Kennedy was a very supportive big sister throughout the process and enjoyed the incentives of Claire earning candy for both of them. Kennedy is very protective over Claire, which tends to cause problems, seeing Claire wants to do EVERYTHING by herself. Despite their fights here and there, it is so cute to watch them interact and love each other.
Aaron is continuing to be very busy with both working full-time and mission work. He is definitely feeling torn between the two right now. I have been very busy with my photography business, which is going great, but keeping me a little busier than I would like to be. I am already getting booked through the fall, so I am glad I have Aaron to remind me to say no sometimes.
We enjoyed our time at ABWE's Good Soil Seminar and learned so much. We are so thankful for the Biblical training that ABWE has provided our team! God has used both Tyndale Seminary and ABWE as wonderful training for Team Kenya. The last two years have been ones of learning, waiting on the Lord, and renewing our faith in Him. We want to get to Kenya so quickly, but I wouldn't trade the last two years that our team has experience together for anything.